Bluestem Electric accepts credit or debit cards (Discover, Visa or MasterCard), check, cash and money orders. For the convenience of our consumers, Bluestem offers multiple ways to make monthly payments.
If you need assistance in paying your electric bill below are two resources.
- Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEIAP) is a Federal funded program that helps eligible households pay a portion of their energy costs by providing a one-time per year benefit.
Dial 211 (toll free, statewide, 24 hours, 7 days a week) for a listing of organizations that will provide assistance. Outside of Kansas (or in areas where 211 is unavailable), call 1-888-413-4327. You will need to enter your location, language spoken and "Utility Assistance".

Pay Online
Either click on "Pay Online" on this website or click here to view or pay your bill. By using your credit card, debit card or bank account, you can either set up a one-time payment or recurring. Recurring payments are posted on the 25th of each month.
It's convenient, safe and secure!

Pay by Phone
To pay your bill by phone using your credit card, debit card or bank account please call 1-800-558-1580.

Pay by Mail
You can pay your electric bill by simply mailing a check or money order in the return envelope that is included with your monthly bill. If you are mailing a check without the return envelope, please mail to: PO Box 33, Wamego, KS 66547. Be sure to include the name and account number of the account to be paid to assure its proper allocation.

Pay in Person
Payments may be made in person during business hours. For our member convenience, a drop-box is also available at the office for after-hours payments. Click here to find the location.

Automatic Bank Draft
Tired of writing checks or paying for postage to pay your electric bill every month? Bluestem offers a convenient alternative. You can make your payment automatically by signing up for Automatic Bank Draft. Your bank account will be drafted on the 25th (due date) of each month or the first banking day following the 25th. You will receive a statement each month from Bluestem to let you know how much your bill is, so you can record the amount in your checkbook. The bill will say "Do not pay. Your account will be bank drafted on the due date."
Alternatively, print and return the debit authorization form to Bluestem.

Budget Payment Plan
Members may experience seasonal fluctuations in electric use throughout the year. This change in electric use may create a budgeting problem for some members. The Budget Payment Plan allows a residential member to pay a set amount each month August through June. The amount is calculated based upon their previous twelve (12) months of consumption. The account will be "trued up" to actual usage annually in July. The Budget Billing Plan DOES bill the member for actual consumption.
To be eligible, a residential member must have made 12 consecutive on time payments in a row at the present location and their account MUST be current.
Please call the office to learn more or apply for the Budget Bill Plan.